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SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft Teams

| Vanessa Li |

Teams SuccessFactors

Episode #192


In episode 192 of our SAP on Azure video podcast we talk about SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft Teams integration.

When we talk about how Microsoft is a huge SAP customer we mainly talk about our SAP ERP ECC system or the RISE on Azure and SAP S/4HANA conversions that we are doing at the moment. But we also talk about the different Software as a service solutions that we are using from SAP – and one of them is SAP SuccessFactors.
When you are using SAP SuccessFactors in a lot of cases, your flow of work does actually start outside of SuccessFactors. One common place – like in our recording here – is Microsoft Teams. Luckily SAP SuccessFactors has a great integration in Teams and I am really glad to have Vanessa Li from the SAP SuccessFactors team joining us today. Welcome Vanessa!

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Summary created by AI

  • SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft Teams Integration:
  • Vanessa, and Holger discussed the integration of SAP SuccessFactors with Microsoft Teams, highlighting its benefits for workflow efficiency and the convenience of accessing HR processes directly within Teams. This integration aims to streamline operations and enhance productivity by keeping employees within their workflow environment.
    • Integration Benefits: Li, and Holger emphasized the integration’s role in streamlining HR processes by allowing access to SAP SuccessFactors within Microsoft Teams, enhancing workflow efficiency and productivity.
    • Workflow Convenience: The integration facilitates a seamless workflow, enabling employees to manage HR tasks in Teams without switching applications, thereby maintaining their workflow environment.
    • Accessing HR Processes: Employees can perform HR-related actions such as managing team data, requesting feedback, and clocking time directly in Teams, thanks to the integration with SAP SuccessFactors.
    • Streamlined Operations: The integration supports various HR operations, including recruitment, onboarding, learning, and performance management, all accessible within the Teams platform.
    • Productivity Enhancement: By integrating SuccessFactors into Teams, the goal is to boost productivity through quick and efficient HR actions, contributing to a positive work culture and collaboration.
  • Customization and Configuration: Li, highlighted the upcoming features that allow customization of the app’s name, logo, and description to better align with company branding. This customization is aimed at making the app more recognizable and user-friendly for employees. Additionally, the importance of administrators setting up the connection between SuccessFactors and Teams was emphasized.
    • App Customization: The upcoming release will enable customization of the app’s name, logo, and description, allowing companies to align the app with their corporate branding and make it more recognizable for employees.
    • User-Friendly Design: Customization features are designed to enhance user-friendliness, ensuring that employees can easily identify and use the app within their Teams environment.
    • Administrator Setup: Administrators play a crucial role in configuring the connection between SuccessFactors and Teams, ensuring that the integration functions correctly for end-users.
    • Branding Alignment: Customization allows companies to maintain consistency in branding across their software tools, which is important for internal recognition and user adoption.
    • Configuration Importance: Proper configuration by administrators is vital for the integration’s success, as it involves user mapping and permissions between SuccessFactors and Teams.
  • Data Protection and Privacy: Li, addressed concerns regarding data protection and privacy, clarifying that personal information is not stored in Teams but is read from SuccessFactors at runtime. The only data stored in Teams are notification cards, which are subject to Microsoft’s retention policy. This ensures compliance with data protection regulations.
    • Data Protection: Li, assured that personal information is not stored in Teams, addressing data protection concerns and emphasizing compliance with privacy regulations.
    • Runtime Data Access: Personal information is accessed at runtime from SuccessFactors, ensuring that data remains secure and is not cached or stored within Teams.
    • Notification Cards Storage: Only notification cards are stored in Teams, and these are governed by Microsoft’s retention policy, which allows for data management in line with company policies.
    • Compliance with Regulations: The approach to handling personal information within the Teams integration aligns with data protection regulations, maintaining user trust and legal compliance.
    • Retention Policy Adherence: By adhering to Microsoft’s retention policy for stored data, the integration ensures that any stored notification cards can be managed appropriately.
  • Future Enhancements: Li, shared plans for future enhancements, including natural language processing for AI interactions and support for delegated type permissions for single sign-on. These enhancements aim to improve user experience and administrative flexibility.
    • Natural Language Processing: Future updates will include natural language processing, allowing users to interact with the app using conversational language, enhancing the user experience.
    • AI Interactions: AI capabilities will be integrated to provide intelligent interactions, such as recommending learning courses based on user roles and skills.
    • Delegated Permissions: Support for delegated type permissions will be introduced, offering more flexibility in single sign-on configurations and user consent processes.
    • User Experience Improvement: The planned enhancements are focused on improving the overall user experience by making the app more intuitive and responsive to user needs.
    • Administrative Flexibility: Enhancements like delegated permissions will provide administrators with more options and control over the app’s setup and user access.
  • Multi-Language Support: Li, confirmed that the app supports multiple languages, aligning with Teams’ language settings. However, customization of fixed content titles in different languages is not yet supported but is planned for future updates. This feature is crucial for global companies operating in multiple languages.
    • Language Support: The app supports multiple languages, allowing it to adapt to the language settings of Teams and cater to a diverse user base.
    • Customization Limitations: Currently, customization of fixed content titles in different languages is not available, but this feature is on the roadmap for future updates to accommodate global usage.
    • Global Company Needs: Multi-language support is essential for global companies with employees across different regions, ensuring that the app is accessible and usable for all.
    • Future Language Customization: Future updates will allow for greater language customization, enhancing the app’s usability and relevance for international teams. Language Alignment: The app’s language alignment with Teams settings ensures a consistent user experience, reducing language barriers within the workplace. Concerns about Multi-Instance Support: Li, acknowledged the challenge of supporting multiple SuccessFactors instances with a single Teams account, a common scenario for large, global companies. While currently only one-to-one mapping is supported, plans are in place to address this limitation in future updates.