Episode #12
In the 12th episode of our unofficial SAP on Azure video podcast we talk about SAP Cloud Platform, Kyma on SCP Trial, CAP on Kyma, Hana Express on WSL2, Windows Terminal, Value of SCP, SAP IQ-NLS HA using Azure NetApp, Azure Hybrid Benefits for Linux, Cross Region Load Balancer, Azure Resouce Mover, Zonal Disaster Recovery, Logic Apps Preview & support of Generation 2 VMs – with a few demos! #MadeInWalldorf
Run and Deploy a CAP Business Application on the Kyma Runtime
Installing SAP HANA, express edition into WSL2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
Deploy SAP IQ-NLS HA Solution using Azure NetApp Files on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
New Logic Apps runtime, performance and developer improvements
Video Index
- 0:00 Intro
- 1:16 - Kyma runtime on SCP
- 2:03 - CAP on Kyma
- 5:10 - HANA Express on WSL2
- 7:30 - Windows Terminal
- 8:38 - Core Values of SCP
- 12:30 - SAP IQ-NLS HA using Azure NetApp
- 14:30 - Hybrid Benefit - Linux
- 17:45 - Cross Region Azure Loadbalancer
- 20:03 - Azure Resource Mover
- 25:30 - Disaster Recovery
- 27:25 - Backup Center
- 29:44 - Logic Apps local runtime (Preview)
- 35:20 - Generation 2 VMs
- 37:50 - Dual Protocol (SMB & NFS) for Azure NetApp Files